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Our Services

Customized Solutions

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We partner our clients to improve indoor air quality such as odor remediation and disinfection based on their needs.


Our program includes:


  • Consultancy services and client supports.

  • Needs assessments.

  • Develop customized plans.

  • Conduct training to teammates.

  • Audit and review of program efficacy.​

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Benefits for Corporates & Businesses

  • Environmentally friendly

  • Sustainable, made from renewable natural resources

  • Customized solutions to meet client's needs

  • Effective and efficient way of odor remediation

  • Inhibits microorganism growth (anti-bacterial and anti-fungi)

  • Non-alcohol formulation

  • Non-toxic




By advocating natural solutions, our clients can rest assure that our products are environmentally friendly, and that they play a significant role in ensuring a sustainable green future. Being an environmentally sustainable organization!


Productivity & Cost Effective​


Partner our clients to improve employees' productivity by integrating our solutions into their work processes and procedures. Our solution are sustainable and cost effective!




Natural and Safe​


Natural and non chemical based. Safe for our clients, their customers and their employees. Improving overall well beings for everyone! Our Products are certified Green Label.



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